🚨 NEW: Updated Q2 July 2022 Forecasts

Latest analysis by Humanitarian Funding Forecasts shows that most humanitarian sectors in 2022 are forecast to grow more than what we thought at the start of the year. Of the 15 sectors analysed, 9 are forecast to grow more compared to our initial forecasts, 4 sectors have had their forecasts revised down, and another 2 […]

Are Pooled Funds a Driver of Localisation?

How can local and national actors access more funding? A quick (and always necessary) reminder: donors made commitments in the 2016 Grand Bargain to get at least 25% of funding to local and national actors. There’s a whole range of reasons why this is important. As the Localisation in Practice paper sets out, there are […]

Underfunded Crises: A Look at the Last 5 Years

If you were to ask me, “Are humanitarian crises underfunded?”, I’d probably say “Sure, that’s like asking me, do you check Twitter as soon as you open your eyes in the morning? Or will there be another Fast and Furious movie? The answer is obviously yes, and it’s unhealthy”. But if you asked me which […]