2022 Forecasts: Year Ahead for Humanitarian Sectors

Launching a website that forecasts humanitarian funding in 2021 was slightly tricky, to say the least. The coronavirus pandemic created disruption in the global economy, and donors were by no means immune from the effects of this. The model we created to forecast funding in 2021 was based on a system of humanitarian funding that […]

The Humanitarian Year Ahead: 2022 in 5 Charts

How many pages is too many for a report? 304 pages? That’s the length of the 2022 Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) that outlines humanitarian needs going into the next year. It’s full of data and trends, and hints at what the year ahead will bring. What we’ve done is read the report, pulled out the […]

A Typical Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO)

On this website we spend a lot of time talking about humanitarian funding – which makes sense given our name. But today we’ll talk about the people that the funding is intended for and ask: who are the “People in Need” (PIN) of humanitarian assistance? This information is usually contained in the Humanitarian Needs Overview […]

A Typical Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP)

The season of HNOs and HRPs is upon us. It’s that time of year where hundreds of people worldwide spend countless hours producing two documents for their context: the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). 29 contexts produced these documents for 2021, and it’s likely a similar amount will be produced […]

🚨 NEW: Updated Q3 October 2021 Forecasts

This is our last forecast of 2021 and there are a few surprises. In this story we’ll guide you through the main changes and takeaways from our latest forecast, as well as note what this means for how we approach our 2022 forecasts. We produce quarterly forecasts on Humanitarian Funding Forecast – and all the […]

Demystifying Response Plans

Humanitarian crises are complex. The causes are complex – conflict, economic deterioration, and natural disasters, to name only a few. And then there is displacement – when people get displaced in their own country, or across an international border. Humanitarian responses need to meet the complex needs that arise from these situations. But how we […]

Understanding Protection: It’s not just ‘General Protection’ anymore

Protection is a word that encompasses many things in the humanitarian world. But there are four specific things that may come under the Protection umbrella. These are: Child Protection, Gender Based Violence, Housing Land and Property, Mine Action. Each of these is designated at the global level as an ‘Area of Responsibility’ of the Global […]

Haiti – Funding Briefing

Before August 2021, over 40% of the Haiti population required humanitarian assistance (4.4 million to be precise). The 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) (published in March) responds to acute food insecurity and reduced access to services, such as health and water, hygiene and sanitation – but that was even before the events that were to […]

We spend more on…

A short story this week. In 2019, humanitarian plans were funded to the value of $18bn. It seems like a huge number, but we need to put it into context. We could put it into the context of what is needed. In 2019, $30bn was required to meet humanitarian needs (according to FTS). $18bn therefore […]

🚨 NEW: Updated Q2 July 2021 Forecasts

A very warm welcome to Humanitarian Funding Forecast! It’s likely this is your first time on the website, as we’re still very new, so let’s outline how this whole forecast thing works. We’ll be updating the website on a quarterly basis. We’ll be publishing new forecasts for nearly every humanitarian sector. What this means is […]