Response Plan Projects: A Red Herring for Localisation
The thing that sets the rhythm of humanitarian crises (or to be more precise: humanitarian coordination) are response plans. There are different types to do with refugee crises, non-refugee related crises and sudden onset crises – you can learn more about the different types here. But the one thing that they have in common is […]
Do more severe humanitarian crises get more money?
Humanitarian funding is an exercise in prioritisation by donors. Donors have a pot of money in their budgets that they need to distribute to different places, and they have to ask the question: where will this money make the most impact? Of course there are other considerations (e.g. national interests of governments), but for today […]
🚨 NEW: Updated Q1 April 2022 Forecasts
Welcome to the first update of our 2022 funding forecasts. This is our Q1 forecast (called Q1 as it follows the end of the first quarter, i.e. end of March). It takes into account our initial Q0 forecast which feeds in historic data, and the most recent data on how things are going in the […]
Who Funds Who? Donors by Context
Who funds where? It is one of the simplest and important questions when it comes to humanitarian aid. Yet, we’re not sure all that information has been collated before into one place that’s easy-to-read and accessible. If it is out there, maybe it’s “on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in […]
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🚨 NEW: Updated Q3 October 2021 Forecasts
This is our last forecast of 2021 and there are a few surprises. In this story we’ll guide you through the main changes and takeaways from our latest forecast, as well as note what this means for how we approach our 2022 forecasts. We produce quarterly forecasts on Humanitarian Funding Forecast – and all the […]
Démystifier les plans d’intervention
Les crises humanitaires sont complexes. Les causes sont complexes – conflits, détérioration économique et catastrophes naturelles, pour n’en citer que quelques-unes. Et puis il y a le déplacement – quand les gens sont déplacés dans leur propre pays, ou à travers une frontière internationale. Les réponses humanitaires doivent répondre aux besoins complexes qui découlent de […]
A Typical Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP)
The season of HNOs and HRPs is upon us. It’s that time of year where hundreds of people worldwide spend countless hours producing two documents for their context: the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). 29 contexts produced these documents for 2021, and it’s likely a similar amount will be produced […]